Use Cases for Agreement

I want to
Request TypeExample URL
Retrieve and display details of a agreement instance.GET by ID for Agreement{{orgendpoint}}/services/data/{{version}}/connect/comms/agreementmanagement/v4/agreement/{id-of-the-resouce-to-be-retrieved}

For invalid customer ID, you will receive HTTP 404 error.
Based on the provided field values, retrieve and display details of agreement instance.GET with Fields for Agreement{{orgendpoint}}/services/data/{{version}}/connect/comms/agreementmanagement/v4/agreement?fields=name

The requested fields will be part of output, if they have value.
List all the agreement instances present in the system.GET List of Agreements{{orgendpoint}}/services/data/{{version}}/connect/comms/agreementmanagement/v4/aagreement
List agreement instances present in the system based on the filter applied.GET List with Filtering for Agreement{{orgendpoint}}/services/data/{{version}}/connect/comms/agreementmanagement/v4/agreement?name=testing

The requested fields will be part of output, if they have value.
List agreement instances, limit the number of agreement instances to a maximum of specified limit, and
starts the results display from page specified by offset.
GET with Pagination for Agreement{{orgendpoint}}/services/data/{{version}}/connect/comms/agreementmanagement/v4/agreement?pageLimit=2&offset=5
Create a new agreement instance by providing the required details.POST an Agreement{{orgendpoint}}/services/data/{{version}}/connect/comms/agreementmanagement/v4/agreement

A new agreement instances gets created based on the values mentioned for the mandatory fields.
Update details of particular agreement instance.PATCH an Agreement{{orgendpoint}}/services/data/{{version}}/connect/comms/agreementmanagement/v4/agreement/{ID}
Delete an agreement instance.DELETE an Agreement{{orgendpoint}}/services/data/{{version}}/connect/comms/agreementmanagement/v4/agreement/{ID}

Consider you want to retrieve details of a particular agreement instance.

Consider you want to retrieve details of an agreement with requested attributes (id, href are always included).

Consider there are agreement instances in the system and you want to list all of them.

Consider you want to retrieve all the agreement instances in the system with applied filter values.

Response displays records filtered by testing for field name.

Consider you want to

  • Retrieve a list of agreement instances
  • Limit the number of results to a maximum of specified limit
  • Start the results display from page specified by offset

NOTE: The above pagination query displays maximum 2 records from 5th record onwards (skips first 4 records).

Consider you want to create a new agreement instance.

Prerequisites These are the prerequisites for the POST operation.

  • The agreementType attribute must be the name of ContractType. Perform the following steps to create ContractType.

    • Create a RecordType on Contract entity.
    • Create a ContractType by associating it with RecordType created previously.
  • These are mandatory fields.

    • name
    • agreementType
    • agreementPeriod(startDateTime)
    • engagedParty
    • agreementItem (productOffering + termOrCondition)
  • Fields engagedParty and productOffering are validated for Id-Name pair

  • Fields associatedAgreement and agreementSpecification are only validated for Salesforce ID. The name can be passed but it is ignored.

Consider you want to update details of a particular agreement instance.


  • Following are patchable attributes.
    • description
    • engagedParty
    • associatedAgreement
    • agreementSpecification
    • agreementItem
  • Fields associatedAgreement and agreementSpecification are only validated for Salesforce ID. The name can be passed but it is ignored.

Request body will have fields that needs to be updated.

Consider you want to delete details of a particular agreement instance.

No request body.

Status code 204 with no response body