Get Started with Industry APIs

Industry APIs are exposed on top of Energy and Utilites Cloud to enable external systems to interact with the Salesforce data models.

Update Asset Status API is the only Industry API for Energy and Utilities Cloud.

Here are the steps to access and use the Update Asset Status API.

For a client application to access REST API resources, it must be authorized as a safe visitor. To implement this authorization, use a connected app and an OAuth 2.0 authorization flow.

  1. Create a Connected App

    A connected app requests access to REST API resources on behalf of the client application. For a connected app to request access, it must be integrated with your org’s REST API using the OAuth 2.0 protocol. OAuth 2.0 is an open protocol that authorizes secure data sharing between applications through the exchange of tokens.

    For instructions to configure a connected app, see Create a Connected App in Salesforce Help. Specifically, follow the instructions in Enable OAuth Settings for API Integration.

  2. Generate Access Tokens

    OAuth authorization flows grant a client app restricted access to REST API resources on a resource server. Each OAuth flow offers a different process for approving access to a client app, but in general the flows consist of three main steps.

    1. To initiate an authorization flow, a connected app on behalf of a client app requests access to a REST API resource.
    2. In response, an authorizing server grants access tokens to the connected app.
    3. A resource server validates these access tokens and approves access to the protected REST API resource.

    After reviewing and selecting an OAuth authorization flow, apply it to your connected app. For details about each supported flow, see OAuth Authorization Flows in Salesforce Help.

  3. Assign Permission Set Licenses

    To access Industry API, assign at least one of these permission set licenses:

  • EAndUSalesApplication

  • EAndUServiceConsole

    For instructions to assign a permission set license, see Permission Set Licenses in Salesforce Help.

Use the API to validate the request parameters and invoke the sfiEnergy_UpdateAssetStatus integration procedure to update the status of an asset. See API reference.

You can extend and customize Update Asset Status API by leveraging sfiEnergy_UpdateAssetStatus integration procedure.

Sample Request for IP

Sample Response for IP