Industry Integrations

The integration assets are out of the box integration templates with pre-built transformations, which can be used to integrate with external systems.
To access Industry Integrations, purchase a MuleSoft instance. The pre-built integrations are deployed in your MuleSoft instance to enable extensibility. If you already have a MuleSoft instance, you can leverage it to connect to Salesforce.

The Energy and Utilities Cloud integration asset supports these flows:

  • Create new customers, accounts, contracts, premises, service points, and account hold request.
  • Request previous meter readings and add meter readings.
  • Request rebill and billing adjustments.
  • Request customer's financial adjustments, financial transactions, payments, account balance, bills, and bill line items.

To view the Energy and Utilities Cloud integration asset and its details, see MuleSoft Exchange.
To know more about the Energy and Utilities API, see the Energy and Utilities Cloud Integration API reference.

  • Install the Energy and Utilities data pack which is a collection of Integration Procedures, which enables the functionality required for integration.

  • Assign the EnergyAndUtilitiesCloud org permission.

  • Assign the EAndUCloudMuleSoftIntegrationPsl permission set license and the EAndUCloudMuleSoftIntegration permission set.

Use Industry Integration Solutions in your Salesforce org to connect your Salesforce and MuleSoft instances and to automate the deployment of the integration apps. After deploying the app in your MuleSoft instance, you can extend the app in MuleSoft AnyPoint Platform to complete your business needs.

To access and use the industry integration apps:

  1. Accept terms and enable access.
  2. Deploy integration assets using Industry Integration Solutions. See Industry Integration Solutions in Salesforce Help.
  3. Extend Integration App.

After the integration asset is deployed, Salesforce creates a named credential for the integration instance. The named credential specifies the URL of a callout endpoint and its required authentication parameters in one definition. See Named Credentials in Salesforce Help.