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Salesforce Healthcare API enables you to securely connect and interact with any system that uses FHIR APIs.

Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) is a healthcare data standard with an API for representing and exchanging electronic health records (EHR). FHIR is an information network that lets you link data across systems and a communication network that lets you exchange data between systems.

For more details about FHIR, see the latest published version of the FHIR specification.

Salesforce Healthcare API includes these resources:

  • The Administration resources include the base data that can be linked with the other modules, such as clinical content, finance, and billing workflow. The Administration resources are:

    • Patient
    • Practitioner
    • PractitionerRole
    • Encounter
    • Organization
    • Location
    • RelatedPerson
  • A Bundle is a collection of resources that can have an independent existence. For example, you can access bundle resources directly using the RESTful API.

    • We only support Bundle type operations where the Bundle resource type is batch. The batch support is as per the specification.
    • Bundle resource supports interdependencies between the different entries by using a placeholder ID (urn:uuid:) in the fullUrl and reference.

    The Bundle API supports the execution of interdependent requests based on the relationships between entries. It allows for multi-level dependency, meaning certain requests rely on the successful completion of others. The response time of the API is directly affected by the level of dependencies in a request.

    In cases where a dependent action encounters an error, the API cancels the execution of any requested dependent action and returns an HTTP status reason code 424.

    Note: You can have up to 30 entries in a single call. Up to 10 of these entries can be read or search requests.

  • The Care Management resources focus on patient-specific care recommendations based on applicable clinical practice guidelines and care pathways, delivered at the point of care to clinicians and patients. It contains self-maintained patient or care-giver authored plans identifying their goals and an integrated understanding of actions to be taken. The Care Management resources are:

    • CarePlan
    • Goal
  • The Clinical Diagnostics resources provide an overview and guide to the FHIR content that addresses ordering and reporting of clinical diagnostics including laboratory testing, imaging and genomics. The Clinical Diagnostic resources are:

    • DiagnosticReport
    • DocumentReference
    • Observation
  • The Clinical Summary resources represent core clinical information for a patient. This information is frequently documented, created, or retrieved by healthcare providers during the course of clinical care. The Clinical Summary resources are:

    • AllergyIntolerance
    • Condition
    • Procedure
  • The Clinical Workflow resources focus on the coordination of activities within and across systems. The Clinical Workflow resources are:

    • ServiceRequest
    • MedicationRequest
  • The Medication resources identify and define a medication. Healthcare providers use this information to prescribe, dispense, and administer a medication. They also use it to make statements about medication use. The Medication resources are:

    • Medication
    • Immunization
    • MedicationStatement
  • The Prior Authorization resources authorize the provisioning of products or services to a patient and manage healthcare processes, such as claim inquiry and claim submission.

The Salesforce Healthcare API are currently deployed on these data centers:

  • US East
  • EU
  • CA

To use Salesforce Healthcare API:

  1. Accept terms and enable access
  2. Authorize the client app
  3. Call the API