Enable Salesforce Authentication Provider for MuleSoft

Set up the authentication provider in your org for your program members to set up integrations with external POS devices using their Salesforce credentials.

  1. From Setup, in the Quick Find box, enter Integrations, and then select Integrations Setup.
  2. From the list of available integrations, go to the integration to enable, and then click Enable.
  3. Select a business group that you want to enable the integration for.
  4. Select the environment where you want to enable the integration.
  5. Enter the app name. Ensure that the app name is unique for your MuleSoft instance.
  6. Click Next.
  7. To connect to an external system, select None as the Authorization Protocol.
  8. Click Add Additional Parameters, and enter these keys and values:
    salesforce.baseUrlEnter the Salesforce org domain, without entering https://>. For example, demo-server.dev-ed.salesforce.com.
    salesforce.clientIdEnter the client_id of the connected app.
    salesforce.clientSecretEnter the client_secret of the connected app.
    tokenIntrospection.ttlThe time (in seconds) for which the token exists in the object store, until eviction. This key is optional and the default value is 180 seconds.
    tokenIntrospection.expirationIntervalThe frequency at which the expired objects are expired. By default, the eviction thread runs every 60 seconds to check and evicts the expired objects from the object store.
  9. Click Proceed.