Get Started with Loyalty Management Integrations API
Use Loyalty Management Integrations API to securely interact with a point of sale (POS) system to get member profile details, enroll individual members in a loyalty program, manage vouchers, and create accrual and redemption orders.
- Loyalty Management Retail POS API Unlocked Package: Set up your Salesforce org, install the package, and then integrate Loyalty Management with a POS system. You can then make API requests from the POS system.
- Loyalty Management Retail POS API Powered by MuleSoft: Set up Loyalty Management POS API unlocked package, enable Retail POS APIs, and then leverage your existing MuleSoft instance and connect with Salesforce.
- Loyalty Management Restaurant POS API Powered by MuleSoft: Set up Loyalty Management POS API unlocked package, enable Restaurant POS APIs, and then leverage your existing MuleSoft instance and connect with Salesforce.