Map Restaurant Product Details With Loyalty Management

Map the restaurant’s product details with Loyalty Management to ensure that transaction journals contain the correct product details when you create an order. Create or update the fields in the Loyalty Management objects to map with the fields in the restaurant POS app. If you have additional data in your restaurant POS app, you can map additional fields. It’s recommended that you use the Batch Processing method in Mulesoft, and perform these steps in a transaction. For example, in a sequence of object insertions, if any object insertion fails, roll back the remaining object insertions even if the insertions are successful.

  • Create these fields in the product2 object to map with the restaurant POS app fields.
    product2 FieldsDescription in Restaurant POS
    DescriptionThe description of the menu item.
    DisplayUrlThe image or picture URL of the menu item.
    ExternalIdThe unique identifier of the menu item or product.
    IsActiveDetermines if the menu item is active. The default value is true.
    IsArchivedDetermines if the menu item is archived. The default value is false.
    IsDeletedDetermines if the menu item is deleted. The default value is false.
    IsSerializedDetermines if the menu item is serialized. The default value is false.
    NameThe name of the menu item.
    ProductCodeThe code or unique identifier related to the menu item.
  • Create these fields in the productCategory object to store the menu category or menu group.
    product2 FieldsDescription in Restaurant POS
    ExternalCategoryId__cThe unique identifier of menu group or menu category.
    NameThe name of the menu group or menu category.
    DescriptionThe description of the menu group or menu category.
    ExternalIdThe unique identifier of the menu item or product.
    IsActiveDetermines if the menu item is active. The default value is true.
  • Update the productCategoryProduct object to link the product to category.
    product2 FieldsDescription in Restaurant POS
    ProductCategoryIdThe description of the menu item.
    ProductIdID field value from productCategory object insertion.
    ExternalIdID field value from product2 object insertion.
  • Log any errors in the {namespace}__LoyaltyOrderPlacementError__c object.

See Also

Batch Processing Handling Errors During Batch Job