Set Permissions for Apex Classes and Custom Objects and Fields
Specify Apex executable classes for the POS Integration Kit profile. Set field-level security for custom fields in the Loyalty Program Member object.
From Setup, in the Quick Find box, enter
, and then select Profiles. -
Select the POS Integration Kit User profile.
Click Enabled Apex Class Access, and then click Edit.
From the Available Apex Classes list, add these Apex classes to the Enabled Apex Classes list.
- CancelOrder: This controller class manages order cancellation operations.
- CancelOrderHelper: This helper class assists with order cancellation functionality.
- CancelOrderItem: This class represents an item that is canceled within an order.
- CancelOrderRequest: This class defines the structure for cancel order requests.
- Configurations: This class handles the loading of configurations.
- DMLManager: This utility class facilitates interactions with the database.
- EnrollMember: This controller class manages the enrollment of members.
- MemberProfile: This controller class handles member profile-related operations.
- MemberVouchers: This controller class manages member voucher-related operations.
- OrderCancelResWrapper: This wrapper class encapsulates the response structure for order cancellation requests.
- PlaceOrderReqWrapper: This wrapper class encapsulates the response structure for place order requests.
- PlaceOrderRESTResource: This controller class handles the place order API.
- PlaceOrderResWrapper: This wrapper class encapsulates the input request structure for placing orders.
- RedeemResponse: This class defines the structure for redemption responses.
- RESTUtility: This utility class provides generic functionality for REST APIs.
Save your changes.
From the Profiles page, select the POS Integration Kit User profile.
Click Enabled Custom Setting Definitions Access, and then click Edit.
Enable access to the POS custom setting definitions.
Save your changes.
For the POS-related custom fields in the Loyalty Program Member object, provide Read and Edit field-level security.
Edit the Transaction Journal Voucher Redemptions object, and provide Create and ModifyAll permissions for the object
For the Transaction Journal Voucher Redemptions object, provide Read and Edit access to the Voucher Changed Amount and Activity Type fields.
For the Loyalty Order Placement Error object, provide Create access.
Save your changes.
See Also