Personalization Content First Touch View-Based Attribution Data Model Object

The Personalization Content First Touch View-Based Attribution Data Model Object (DMO) captures first-touch engagement data attributed to viewing personalized content. The data is aggregated by content.


Personalization Attribution Primary Key (PersonalizationAttrPk__c)

Field NameField API NameDescriptionData Type
Internal OrganizationInternalOrganization__cReference ID to the business unit or other internal organization that owns the business account.text
Data SourceDataSource__cReference ID for the logical name for a system that is the source of records identified by an external record ID.text
Data Source ObjectDataSourceObject__cReference ID for the logical name of the object where this record came from.text
Attribution DateAttributionDate__cDate of the first engagement that led to the attribution.dateTime
Data SpaceDataSpace__cThe data space associated with this DMOtext
Personalization PointPersonalizationPoint__cPersonalization point where data was gathered.text
Personalization DecisionPersonalizationDecision__cPersonalization Decision assigned to the personalization point.text
PersonalizerPersonalizer__cPersonalizer used for the personalized response.text
Content Object Record IDContentObjectRecordIdRecord ID associated with this DMO.text
Unique Profile CountUniqueProfileCount__cTotal number of unique Personalization profiles (visitors) that viewed the personalized content.number
Personalization Request CountPersonalizationRequestCount__cTotal number of Personalization requests associated with the personalized content.number
Attributed ClicksAttributedClickCount__cNumber of clicks attributed to a particular stage in the defined personalization process.number
Attributed OrdersAttributedOrderCount__cNumber of orders attributed to a particular stage in the defined personalization process.number
Attributed CartsAttributedCartsCount__cNumber of carts containing items at a particular stage in the defined personalization process.number
Attributed ViewsAttributedViewsCount__cNumber of content views attributed to a particular stage in the defined personalization process.number
Attributed RevenueAttributedRevenue__cRevenue attributed to the personalization point.number
Attributed Orders PlacedAttributedOrdersPlaced__cNumber of placed orders attributed to a particular stage in the defined personalization process.number