Personalization Decision DMO

The Personalization Decision DMO defines all object properties required to make personalized decisions for a Personalization point. Properties include eligibility criteria (targeting rules), priority settings, and so on.


Personalization Decision (Id__c)

Field NameField API NameDescriptionData Type
Developer NameDeveloperName__cName of the personalization decision in a code-friendly format.text
NameName__cName applied to the Personalization Decision.text
DescriptionDescription__cOptional description for the Personalization Decision.text
Personalization PointPersonalizationPointId__cPersonalization point using the decision.text
PersonalizerPersonalizerId__cName applied to the associated Personalizer.text
PriorityPersonalizationDecisionPriority__cPriority value assigned to the decision at the Personalization Point.number
CriteriaCriteria__cTargeting rules associated with the personalization decision.text
Last Modified DateLastModifiedDate__cThe date when a user last modified the record.dateTime
Created DateCreatedDate__cThe date a record was created.dateTime