Personalization Log DMO

The Personalization Log DMO is a Data Cloud data model object (DMO) for data captured from various data sources about engagement with Personalization.


Personalization Log Id (Id__c)

Field NameField API NameDescriptionData Type
Personalization Content IdPersonalizationContentId__cPersonalization content record Id for the content provided.text
Personalization IdPersonalizationId__cIdentifier for the personalized response sent to a specific personalization point.text
Personalization Request IdPersonalizationRequestId__cUnique identifier for the Personalization request.text
Request Start DateTimeRequestStartDateTime__cDate and time the Personalization request was made.dateTime
Augmenting Stage Time MillisAugmentingStageTimeMillis__cAmount of time, in milliseconds, it took to look up and augment a profile.number
Qualifying Stage Time MillisQualifyingStageTimeMillis__cAmount of time, in milliseconds, it took to qualify a profile for a Personalization response.number
Personalizing Stage Time MillisPersonalizingStageTimeMillis__cAmount of time, in milliseconds, it took to retrieve content for all personalization decisions.number
Response Time MillisResponseTimeMillis__cAmount of time, in milliseconds, it took to respond to the Personalization request.number
IndividualIndividualId__cIndividual DMO Id.text
Personalization TypePersonalizationType__cThe type of personalization presented to the visitor. For example, Recommendations or Manual Content.text
Personalization Point IdPersonalizationPointIdThe Id of the personalization point in the personalization request.text
Personalization Decision IdPersonalizationDecisionIdThe Id of the personalization decision in the personalization request.text
Personalizer IdPersonalizerIdThe Id of the personalizer used to call a personalization service, if required. The personalizer determines what service to use, gathers any other required data, and generates a personalized response.text
ContentContentRaw content returned by the personalization request. For example, a data element in the array.text
Content LengthContentLengthLength of the content field in abstract units for use in comparative analysis.number
Number of Content ItemsNumContentItemsNumber of content items returned by the personalization request.number
DMO LabelDmoLabelLabel assigned to the DMO. For example, Goods Product.text
DMO API NameDmoApiNameThe DMO name in code-friendly format. For example, ssot_GoodsProduct_dlm.text
DMO Record IdDmoRecordIdThe record Id of the DMO. For example, RedSoxBallCap.