Personalizer DMO

The Personalizer DMO defines what additional service is used to provide a complete decision response. For example, to provide a recommendations response, the personalizer uses the recommendation service to provide targeted, personalized results to visitors.


Personalizer (Id__c)

Field NameField API NameDescriptionData Type
NameName__cName applied to the Personalizer.text
Developer NameDeveloperName__cName of the Personalizer in a code-friendly format.text
Master LabelMasterLabel__cPrimary setup object name?text
DescriptionDescription__cOptional description for the Personalizer.text
Content Object IdContentObjectId__cThe logical name of the object where the personalized content originated.text
Catalog Data Graph IdCatalogDataGraphId__cIdentifier for the data graph containing precomputed catalog data for use by the Personalizer.text
Profile Data Graph IdProfileDataGraphId__cData graph containing precomputed profile data for use by the Personalizer.text
StrategyStrategy__cRecommendation strategy selected for this personalization. For example, Top Sellers or Maximize Revenue.text
Last Modified DateLastModifiedDate__cThe date when a user last modified the record.dateTime
Created DateCreatedDate__cThe date a record was created.dateTime