Edit an Asset
Edit Asset updates an existing Asset. Asset class or type, and custom attributes are created implicitly if they do not exist.
Name | Type | Description |
availability | string, enum | Set whether the asset can be selected. Possible values are: Y, N |
content_builder_id | string, Content Builder ID | Instead of loading the image from a hosted URL or Data URL, create an image for this asset using HTML from the specified Content Builder item. |
custom | map, string → string | The Asset Attributes to associate with this asset. New Attributes are created implicity if they don't exist. For example: locale: JP and segment: A3 |
display_time_zone | string | The timezone to show in-app timestamps for this asset. For example: UTC, Eastern Time (US & Canada) |
end_datetime | datetime, ISO-8601 | The date and time the asset is no longer allowed to be selected. For example: 2021-07-23T13:45:15Z |
fallback | string, enum | Set whether the asset can be selected as a fallback when rules disqualify all other content. Possible values are: Y, N |
image_url | string, URL, data URL | Can be either a web-accessible URL hosting an image or a base-64 encoded Data URL containing image data. |
start_datetime | datetime, ISO-8601 | The start date and time the asset is allowed to be selected. For example: 2021-06-23T13:45:15Z |
type | string | Name of the asset's asset_class. |
url | string, URL | The redirect link to use when an asset is clicked. |