Add the #DF24 Developer Keynote to your agenda. Join us in-person on 9/19 at 2:30 p.m. PT or on Salesforce+ at 5 p.m. PT for the must-see session built just for developers.


Find the channel ID and other information about the channels in your content workspace.

GET https://{subdomain}

subdomain (string)

Required. The unique API subdomain for your Salesforce org.

Authorization (string)

Required. A unique, time-limited token that you can use to issue requests to Connect API. Replace YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN with your authentication token.

200 OK

This response indicates that the API accepted your request to retrieve information about channels in your content workspace.

401 Unauthorized

This response indicates that the API wasn’t able to authorize your request. When you receive a 401 response, verify that your authorization token is still valid.