200–299 Asynchronous Operation

200CallsInConversation don’t match previous value in the Conversation. Conversation has been invalidated.A conversation part has a CallsInConversation value that doesn’t match the value specified in the first conversation part. Use the same CallsInConversation value in all conversation parts. The value must equal the total number of conversation parts for the conversation.
201Async API Collection Total Mismatch.
202Missing Required Conversation Property SequenceCode. ConversationID, SequenceCode, and CallsInConversation are required for Conversations Requests.The request specifies a value for Options.CallsInConversation, but doesn’t include the Options.SequenceCode property. Options.SequenceCode and Options.CallsInConversation both default to 1 when neither is specified.
203Async API Timeout.The conversation context timed out. Ensure that you’re using a current and correct conversation ID in your calls.
204Async API Error.The object being created, updated, or deleted failed validation. Check the object syntax and structure in your code.
205SequenceCode Out Of Bounds. Valid SequenceCode range is 1 to the value of CallsInConversation.The SequenceCode denotes the sequential order to process the conversation parts. Set SequenceCode to an integer greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to the value of CallsInConversation.
206CallsInConversation Out Of Bounds. CallsInConversation is expected to be a positive number.Set Options.CallsInConversation to an integer greater than or equal to 1.
207Missing Required Conversation Property ConversationID. ConversationID, SequenceCode, and CallsInConversation are required for Conversations Requests.ConversationID isn’t specified in the Options object or its value is null. If the request specifies values for the SequenceCode and CallsInConversation properties, it must also include a unique value for ConversationID. Set Options.ConversationID to a non-null string value.
208Missing Required Conversation Property CallsInConversation. ConversationID, SequenceCode, and CallsInConversation are required for Conversations Requests.CallsInConversation hasn’t been specified in the Options object for the request. CallsInConversation is a required property for conversation requests that specify a SequenceCode, ConversationID, and that have a RequestType value of Asynchronous. If you didn’t specify a SequenceCode in the request, then CallsInConversation isn’t required. If you don’t provide values for SequenceCode and CallsInConversation, they both default to 1 and the request is interpreted as a single-part conversation. For multi-part conversations, you must specify a CallsInConversation value that’s greater than or equal to 1, and that equals the total number of conversation parts.
209Options.RequestType is required to be set to RequestType.Asynchronous.Set Options.RequestType to Asynchronous.
211Invalid ConversationID. ConversationID has already been used.Conversation IDs can’t be reused. This error is returned when a ConversationID is reused. It can occur even when the conversations associated with the ID have timed out or produced an error. If the conversation has multiple parts, then each part must use the same ConversationID. Set the value of ConversationID to a unique value for each set of conversations.
212Invalid Conversation.This general error indicates an unspecified problem with a conversation. The conversation doesn’t have a status of Closed, Processing, Error, Complete, or Timeout. Contact Global Support for help.
213Conversation is in an error state and is no longer able to accept conversation parts.When a conversation is in an error state, all conversation parts for its ConversationID return this message. Closing the conversation results in an error. Review the previous responses, locate the error, fix it, and then resubmit the entire conversation with a new ConversationID.
214SequenceCode already used for Conversation. Conversation has been invalidated.SequenceCodes within a conversation are unique. After a conversation part has been accepted with a particular SequenceCode, that value can’t be repeated in the conversation. This error results in the conversation being in an error state. Set Options.SequenceCodes in all conversation parts to sequential values. The first conversation part must have a SequenceCode value of 1, and the last part must equal the value of CallsInConversation. Resubmit the entire conversation with a new ConversationID.
215Conversation is closed and cannot accept more parts.Conversations are closed and ready for processing when all parts have been received. After a conversation is closed, no new parts are accepted. When you receive this error, you don’t need to do anything unless you intended for the rejected conversation part to be part of the closed conversation.
218Too many objects.Limit the number of API objects in each request. For more information, see API Limits and Guidelines.
226A request may not have ScheduledTime greater than 30 days from now.Schedule conversation and non-conversation messages 30 days in the future or fewer.
227An unsecure response address specified in the SendResponseTo parameter.Unsecured HTTP endpoints aren't supported. Use an HTTPS endpoint for HTTP callbacks.
228A request cannot have a request expiration time before the current time.Set the RequestExpirationTime to a later time so that the request can be added to the processing queue before it expires.
229A request cannot have a request expiration time before the scheduled time.Set the RequestExpirationTime to occur after the ScheduledTime.
230Request Expired, expired time was 01/31/2024 12:01:00 UTC request start time was 01/31/2024 12:02:00 UTC.Set the RequestExpirationTime to a later time.
231A request with an expiration time requires a time zone offset.Set the RequestExpirationTime in UTC or with a time zone offset.
232A request with an expiration time requires Scheduled Time to have a time zone offset.When a request includes a RequestExpirationTime and a ScheduledTime, you must specify the time zone offset for ScheduledTime.
233A request with expiration time does not support multi-part conversation.Remove the Options.RequestExpirationTime property, or send the request as a single-part conversation.