409000-409999 Audience Builder

409001AddEntityHistory: [AddEntityHistory] could not be inserted due to unknown error in repository. Inner exception: [InnerException]
409002GetFilterSQL: [GetFilterSQL] could not get filter SQL. Inner exception: [InnerException]
409003CreateSingle: No objects found, APIObject was null or not of type AudienceDefinition. Type was [type]
409004CreateSingle: Name missing on {0}. This is a required field
409005CreateSingle: CustomerKey missing on {0}. This is a required field
409006Audience Builder Create Single Null Audience Code
409007CreateSingle: {0} already exists for this Name [name]
409008CreateSingle: {0} already exists for this CustomerKey [CustomerKey]
409009Audience Builder Create Single Audience Code Already Defined
409010CreateSingle: [object] could not be created due to unknown error in repository. Inner exception: [exception]
409011UpdateSingle: No objects found, APIObject was null or not of type AudienceDefinition. Type was [type]
409012Audience Builder Update Single No Audience ID
409013Audience Builder Update Single Audience Definition Not Found
409014Audience Builder Update Single Segment Code Exists
409015Audience Builder Single Audience Code Exists
409016UpdateSingle: [object] could not be updated due to unknown error in repository. Inner exception: [exception]
409017UpdateSingle: [object] could not be updated due to unknown error in repository. Inner exception: [exception]
409018UpdateSingle: [object] could not be found for update, ID [ID]
409019DeleteSingle: No objects found, APIObject was null or not of type AudienceDefinition. Type was [type]
409020DeleteSingle: [object] could not be found because no ID was specified. Make sure you are setting IDSpecified=true
409021Audience Builder Delete Single Null Audience Definition
409022Audience Builder Delete Single Child Audience Segments
409023Audience Builder Delete Single Filter Definition Exception
409024DeleteSingle: [object] could not be deleted due to unknown error in repository. Inner exception: [exception]
409025Audience Builder Clone Audience ID Not Specified
409026CreateSingle: No [type] objects found, APIObject was null or not of type [type]. Type was [type]
409027CreateSingle: AudienceDefinitionID missing on [object]. Make sure you are setting AudienceDefinitionIDSpecified=true
409028CreateSingle: SegmentDefinitionID missing on [object]. Make sure you are setting SegmentDefinitionIDSpecified=true
409029CreateSingle: SegmentCode is missing on [object]. Make sure you set a unique SegmentCode
409030CreateSingle: FK AudienceDefinitionID does not exsit in table [table]
409031CreateSingle: SegmentCode [code] already exists on another [segment]. SegmentCode must be unique
  • CreateSingle: FK SegmentDefinitionID already exsits in table [table]. Segment is already part of this Audience
  • CreateSingle: [segment] already exists for this AudienceDefinitionID [AudienceDefinitionID], SegmentDefinitionID [SegmentDefinitionID]
409033Audience Builder Create Single Segment Code Exists
409034CreateSingle: [object] could not be created due to unknown error in repository. Inner exception: [exception]
409035UpdateSingle: No [type] objects found, APIObject was null or not of type [type]. Type was [type]
409036UpdateSingle: [segment] could not be found because no ID was specified. Make sure you are setting IDSpecified=true
409037UpdateSingle: [definition] could not be found for update, ID [ID]
409038UpdateSingle: Trying to update FK SegmentDefinitionID and it does not exsit in table [table]
409039UpdateSingle: Trying to update FK SegmentDefinitionID and already exsits in table [table]. Segment is already part of this Audience
409040UpdateSingle: SegmentCode [SegmentCode] already exists on another [segment]. SegmentCode must be unique
409041DeleteSingle: No [type] objects found, APIObject was null or not of type [type]. Type was [type]
409042DeleteSingle: [object] could not be found because no ID was specified. Make sure you are setting IDSpecified=true
409043DeleteSingle: [object] with ID [ID] could not be found
409044DeleteSingle: [object] could not be deleted due to unknown error in repository. Inner exception: [exception]
409045CreateSingle: No [type]objects found, APIObject was null or not of type [type]. Type was [type].
409046CreateSingle: Name missing on [object]
409047CreateSingle: CustomerKey missing on [object]
409048CreateSingle: [object] already exists for this Name [name]
409049CreateSingle: [object]already exists for this CustomerKey [name]
409050UpdateSingle: No [type] objects found, APIObject was null or not of type [type]. Type was [type]
409051UpdateSingle: [object] could not be found because no ID was specified. Make sure you are setting IDSpecified=true
409052UpdateSingle: [object] with ID [ID] could not be found
409053UpdateSingle: Name [name] already exists on another [object]. Name must be unique
409054DeleteSingle: No [type] objects found, APIObject was null or not of type [type]. Type was [type]
409055DeleteSingle: [object] could not be found because no ID was specified. Make sure you are setting IDSpecified=true
409056DeleteSingle: [object] with ID [ID] could not be found
409057Deleting [object] had some issues deleting child AudienceSegmentDefinition rows. [object] with ID [ID] could be in an invalid state. Error message: [message]
409058Deleting [object] had some issues deleteing the associated FilterDefinition ID [ID]. Error message: [message]
409059CreateSingle: FK SegmentDefinitionID does not exsit in table [table]
409060CreateSingle: No [type] objects found, APIObject was null or not of type [type]. Type was [type]
409061UpdateSingle: No [type] objects found, APIObject was null or not of type [type]. Type was [type]
409062UpdateSingle: [object] could not be found because no ID was specified. Make sure you are setting IDSpecified=true
409063UpdateSingle: [object] with ID [ID] could not be found
409064DeleteSingle: No [type] objects found, APIObject was null or not of type [type]. Type was [type]
409065DeleteSingle: [object] with ID [ID] could not be found