7000–7099 Send Object

7000ValidationEmail failed validation: [validation error]This error occurs when the email does not contain one of the required elements: An unsubscribe link, A physical mailing address, or Correct syntax for attributes. To correct this error, add the missing required element.
7001ValidationAn email ID, Partner Key, or body must be specifiedSpecify an identifier for an existing email (ID or PartnerKey) or specify a body for a new email.
7002ValidationA list must be specifiedSpecify an identifier for an existing list (ID or PartnerKey) or specify subscribers for a new list.
7003SystemNo lists were created to send toLog the error and contact Salesforce Customer Support.
7004System or ValidationError creating/updating lists. List creations failed: [error message]Log the error and contact Salesforce Customer Support.
7005ValidationInvalid E-mail partner key: [PartnerKey]Log the error and ensure the correct PartnerKey is set on the Email object.
7006System or Validation
  • Email Creation Failed
  • Email Creation Failed: [Email Error Message]
  • Check the properties of the email
  • This message is generic, therefore it is recommended to create the Email object prior to creating the Send object.
7007SystemUnable to load emailLog the error and contact Salesforce Customer Support.
7008SystemJob Creation FailedLog the error and contact Salesforce Customer Support.
7009Send Job Creation Failure
7010Send Account Status Failure