GET /ott/v1/registration/{platform}/{ottPropertyId}

Retrieves information about a registered OTT property by Platform and ID.

platformstringRequiredOTT Platform Name of the property.
ottPropertyIdstringRequiredID of the OTT property
200  Success
 ottPlatformNamestringIndicates the name of the OTT network the resource is being registered with values: line, messenger.
 ottPlatformAttributesobjectObject containing OTT platform attributes.
 ottPlatformAttributes.applicationIdstringFacebook Application Id.
 ottPlatformAttributes.pageIdstringFacebook Page Id.
 ottPlatformAttributes.pageNamestringFacebook Page Name.
 ottPlatformAttributes.endpointUrlstringSend API url of the OTT network.
 ottPlatformAttributes.isActiveintegerIndicates if the OTT resource is active with values: 0 (Inactive), 1 (Active).
 ottPlatformAttributes.channelIdstringLINE channel Id. Required for registering LINE resource.
 ottPlatformAttributes.channelNamestringLINE channel name. Required for registering LINE resource.
 ottPlatformAttributes.isTransactionalintegerIndicates if LINE channel is Transactional or Reseller with values: 0 (Reseller), 1 (Transactional).
 ottPlatformAttributes.isTestChannelintegerIndicates if LINE channel is a Test channel with values: 0 (Not a test channel), 1 (test channel).
400  Bad Request
 messagestringError message.
 errorcodenumberError code.
 documentationstringDocumentation for the error code.
 validationErrorsarrayValidation errors in the request payload.
403  Forbidden
 messagestringError message.
 errorcodenumberError code.
 documentationstringDocumentation for the error code.
404  Not Found
 messagestringError message.
 errorcodenumberError code.
 documentationstringDocumentation for the error code.