POST /contacts/v1/contacts/id:{contactId}/Preferences

Adds consent management information to contact records by contact ID for data protection and privacy concerns.

contactIdstringRequiredUnique ID for the contact.
valueobjectRequiredArray of contact IDs and other properties to add.
value.contactIDlongRequiredUnique ID for the contact.
value.hasOptedOutTrackingbooleanIndicates whether a contact opted out of tracking information.
200  Added contact preferences by contact ID.
 valueobjectContains the contact ID and other properties to add.
 value.contactIDlongUnique ID for the contact.
 value.hasOptedOutTrackingbooleanIndicates whether a contact opted out of tracking information.
 rowsInsertedintegerNumber of preferences inserted.
 rowsUpdatedintegerNumber of preferences updated.
 rowsDeletedintegerNumber of preferences deleted.
 requestServiceMessageIDguidService message ID for the request.
 responseDateTimeintegerDate and time of the retry response in UTC.
 resultMessagesarrayArray of messages about the request. Includes details, such as resulttype and resultcode, about a bad request.
 serviceMessageIDguidService message ID for the response.

To issue a request, you must have the Assets | Upload and Assets | Publish permissions.

  • Documents and Images, Read and Write
  • Saved Content, Read and Write