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The ContentValidationResult object contains results of content validation perform call.

NameData TypeDescription
ConversationIDxsdUnique ID of initial async API call. All requests that are processed as a single unit have the same ConversationID.
ErrorCodexsdIdentifies the error of an API request via a numeric code.
ObjectAPIObjectSpecifies definition of object.
OrdinalIDxsdDefines position of object within an array of information.
OverallStatusCodexsdRepresents overall status of conversation via async API.
RequestIDxsdUnique ID of initial async API call.
RequestTypeRequestTypeDefines request as synchronous or asynchronous API.
ResultDetailXMLxsdContains details of operation result in XML format.
ResultTypexsdDefines result as coming from synchronous or asynchronous API.
StatusCodexsdStatus of async API request.
StatusMessagexsdDescribes the status of an API call.
TaskTaskResultIdentifier of scheduled task as part of results.