DELETE /platform/v1/key/{keyId}

Deletes a key based on the keyId for the current MID. This feature isn't enabled by default for most accounts. Contact your Account Executive for more information about enabling this feature. To use this feature, Data at Rest Encryption must be enabled for your account.

keyIdstringRequiredID of the key. Format: UUID.
x-request-idstringHeader parameter: Request ID for the request. Default Format: 4586c4c7-8504-4cf4-942d-19f99a57c4d9.
x-mccs-user-contextstringHeader parameter: Indicates the MCCS user context. Example: EID=111;MID=111;EmployeeId=111.
x-mccs-keystore-providerstringHeader parameter: Specify a key store provider to use for an ImportKey or WrappingKey request. Examples: kms, keysecure, database. Default: keysecure.
x-mccs-macstringHeader parameter: Specify the message authentication code for the request.
204  Successfully soft deleted meta data and hard deleted key from keystore
400  Tde keys used by encrypted backups can’t be deleted, must wait 90 days from rotate or restore
 statusintegerFormat: int32.
404  Key not found
 statusintegerFormat: int32.
500  Unable to process request
 statusCodeintegerFormat: int32.

To delete a key, send a DELETE request to the /platform/v1/key/{keyID}

When the key is deleted, the system responds with an HTTP 204 code.