POST /messaging/v1/domainverification/push

Pushes one or more registered domains to all existing child business units of your account (EID).

domainlistArray of stringsRequired. List of registered domains to push to existing child business units. Each child business unit receives all registered domains in this list.
200  OK
 domainstringThe domain that is pushed to child business units.
 messagestringIndicates whether the domain is added to all child business units.
400  Bad request
 messagestringInvalid domain. Can’t verify the domain.
 errorcodestringError code for exception
403  Insufficient privileges
 messagestringInvalid domain. Can’t verify the domain.
 errorcodestringError code for exception
500  Internal server error
 messagestringInvalid domain. Can’t verify the domain.
 errorcodestringError code for exception

This action requires the Administration | Access permission.

It requires these permission scopes.

  • Account Settings | Read and Write
  • From Address Management | Read and Write

To push a domain, issue a POST request to the /messaging/v1/domainverification/push endpoint.

The response indicates the status of the request.