Engagement Email Events

The Event Notification Service supports these event notification types and their corresponding payloads.

Notification Event CategoryNotification Event TypeDescription
EngagementEventsEmailOpenIndicates that the email was opened.
EngagementEventsEmailClickIndicates that the recipient clicked a link in the email.
EngagementEventsEmailUnsubscribeIndicates that the recipient clicked the unsubscribe link in the email.

All or some of these attributes are shared for all event data payloads.

eventCategoryTypestringThe taxonomy of the event.
timestampUTCnumberUTC Epoch time.
compositeIdstringAn internal tracking ID.
compositeobjectObject containing broken down composite ID.
composite.jobIdstringA unique job ID.
composite.batchIdstringA unique batch ID.
composite.listIdstringA unique list ID.
definitionKeystringSend definition customer key. Used only with transactional send events.
definitionIdstringSend definition ID. Used only with transactional send events.
midnumberThe ID of the business unit that produced the event.
eidnumberThe enterprise ID.
infoobjectAn object that contains details of the event.

This event notification payload is an example of what your callback receives for an EngagementEvents.EmailOpen event.

ipAddressstringIP address detected from click source
userAgentstringUser agent from click source
locationobjectContains information about location based on IP address. If the location was unable to be detected, this object will be empty

This event notification payload is an example of what your callback receives for an EngagementEvents.EmailClick event.

ipAddressstringIP address detected from the click source.
jobUrlIdstringThe internal job location.
contentLinkstringAn object that contains details of the event.
impressionRegionstringResult of the sent event.
userAgentstringUser agent from click source.
locationobjectAn object that contains information about location based on the IP address. If the location can't be determined, this object is empty.
location.countrystringCountry for the Location object.
location.regionstringRegion for the Location object.
location.citystringCity for the Location object.
location.postalCodestringPostal code for the Location object.
location.latitudestringLatitude coordinates for the Location object.
location.longitudestringLongitude coordinates for the Location object.

This event notification payload is an example of what your callback receives for an EngagementEvents.EmailUnsubscribe event.

tostringThe ID of the org that produced the event.
domainstringThe email domain associated with the event.
unsubscribeDatenumberThe date the subscriber unsubscribed.
unsubscribeMethodstringHow the unsubscribe occurred. Possible values are click and reply.