Engagement OTT Delivery Receipt Events

The Event Notification Service supports these event notification types and their corresponding payloads.

The events are supported only for WhatsApp Direct (Meta) sends using the Transactional API.

Notification Event CategoryNotification Event TypeDescription
EngagementEventsOttSentIndicates that Meta has sent the OTT message to the user device.
EngagementEventsOttDeliveredIndicates that the OTT message was delivered to the user device.
EngagementEventsOttReadIndicates that the user has read the OTT message.
EngagementEventsOttFailedIndicates that Meta failed to send the OTT message to the user device.

These are the common attributes for delivery receipt events.

EventTypestringThe type of event. The values are EngagementEvents.OttSent, EngagementEvents.OttDelivered, EngagementEvents.OttRead, and EngagementEvents.OttFailed.
MIDstringTenant Business Unit ID from which the event was produced
EIDstringTenant Enterprise ID from which the event was produced
SenderTypestringThe type of sender. For example, WhatsApp, LINE and so on. Currently, the only supported value is WhatsApp.
SenderIDstringThe ID of the channel from which the message was sent to the subscriber.
MessageKeystringThe message key that was generated during the transactional send request.
TimeStampnumberUTC epoch time
ReasonstringReason for failure from Meta. For more information, see Meta error codes. The Reason attribute is optional and is available only for a failed event.