Engagement OTT Mobile-Originated Events

The Event Notification Service supports these event notification types and their corresponding payloads.

The events are supported only for WhatsApp Direct (Meta).

Notification Event CategoryNotification Event TypeDescription
EngagementEventsOttMobileOriginatedIndicates that the OTT message is mobile-originated.
eventCategoryTypestringThe taxonomy of the event
eidstringTenant Enterprise ID from which the event was produced
midstringTenant Business Unit ID from which the event was produced
senderTypestringThe type of sender. For example, WhatsApp, LINE and so on. Currently, the only supported value is WhatsApp.
messageTypestringThe type of message. The supported message types are text and button.
channelIdstringThe ID of the channel from which the message was sent by subscriber. For example, the business phone number.
messageIdstringWhatsApp generated message ID.
timestampUTCnumberUTC epoch time
mobileNumberstringThe subscriber's mobile number
contactIdstringThe subscriber's contact ID
messageBodyObjectThe body of the message. The maximum size of the message is 1024 characters.

The payload includes metadata about the media type but not the media itself. For example, if the media is a document, the payload provides details such as the file name, MIME type, and other relevant attributes.

To download the media, use the Download rich media inbound messages API.

For information on supported media types, size limitations, and usage details, see Supported Media Types.