POST /interaction/v1/async/events

Enter a batch of subscribers into a journey or release a batch of subscribers from a wait event asynchronously.

eventDefinitionKeyStringRequired. The key for the entry event. After you create and save the event, you can find this key in Journey Builder Event Administration. You can map event definition keys to the API Entry Event or to the Wait Until API Event. Up to 10 journeys can use the same event definition key to insert subscribers.
membersArrayRequired. An array that contains information about the subscribers that the request targets. You can target up to 100 contacts into a journey in a single request.
members.contactKeyStringRequired. The unique ID of a subscriber or a contact. You can include the same contactKey multiple times in the same request.
members.dataObjectAn object that contains metadata for each contact, such as personalization attributes.
requestIdStringThe unique identifier of the batch request. You can use this ID to check the status of the batch.
countIntegerThe number of member objects in the request.
notQueuedCountIntegerThe number of member objects that couldn’t be queued.
membersArrayAn array of contact objects. The API returns the list members in the same order that it received them.
members.contactKeyStringThe unique ID of a subscriber or a contact. The response can include the same contactKey multiple times in the same request.
members.eventInstanceIdStringThe unique identifier for the batch member. You can use this ID to check the status of an individual contact.
members.errorcodeStringAn error code. The response only includes this property if there was an error in processing an event instance.
members.messageStringAn error message associated with the error code. The response only includes this property if there was an error in processing an event instance.
Error CodeScenarioTypeMessage
10000Interaction Count Limit ExceededBatch ErrorWe could not queue your request. The eventDefinitionKey is shared by too many journeys. Create a new eventDefinitionKey, then try again.
10000Entry Event ViolationBatch ErrorWe could not queue your request. Remove the eventDefinitionKey from journey activities that are not an entry source, then try again.
10000Request Size Exceeds LimitBatch ErrorWe could not queue your request. Request payload size exceeds the data limit. Reduce the payload size and try again.
110210GDPRContact ErrorThe contactKey is inactive, restricted, or suppressed. We could not process this contactKey.
110241Retry ExhaustedContact ErrorSomething went wrong. We could not process this contact event.

This example request inserts a single contact into a journey.

You can process up to 100 contacts at a time by adding contacts to the members array. This sample request processes two contacts.

When the API successfully processes contact, the response includes the contact key and an instance ID.

This example response shows the successful insertion of a contact and one that couldn’t be inserted.