POST /contacts/v1/addresses/count

Fetches contact counts for the given search criteria

queryFilterobjectRequiredFilter used in search criteria to fetch contact counts that match search criteria
queryFilter.hasCriteriabooleanRequiredIndicates the filter specifies search criteria. This property should always include a "true" value
queryFilter.rootExpressionSetobjectRequiredContainer for all expressions used in specifying search criteria.
queryFilter.rootExpressionSet.expressionsarrayRequiredList of all expressions used in specifying search criteria. This resource supports only one expression
queryFilter.rootExpressionSet.expressions.customerDataDefinitionIDshortRequiredShort Numbers representing the attributeName of the search. ContactKey: 101 LastModfiedDate: 102 Source: 103 Channel: 104 Status: 105 AudienceID: 106
queryFilter.rootExpressionSet.expressions.operatorstringRequiredThe filter condition operator name. Supports only the "Equal" operator
queryFilter.rootExpressionSet.expressions.valuesarrayRequiredValue for attribute used in search criteria to fetch contact counts as a string array. The "Channel" attributeName (CustomerDataDefinitionID: 104) supports these channels: MOBILE PUSH LINE EMAIL
200  Successfully retrieved contact counts for specified criteria
 totalCountintegerTotal count of contacts matching search criteria
 requestServiceMessageIDguidService message ID value of request
 resultMessagesarrayArray of returned messages generated while processing request
 serviceMessageIDguidService message ID value of response
default  Unexpected error
 totalCountintegerTotal count of contacts matching search criteria
 hasErrorsbooleanIndicates errors occured while processing request
 requestServiceMessageIDguidService message ID value of request
 resultMessagesarrayArray of returned error messages generated while processing request
 serviceMessageIDguidService message ID value of response