
The FilterDefinition object defines an audience based on specified rules in a filter. This object supports both subscriber lists and data extensions.

NameData TypeDescription
CategoryIDxsdSpecifies the identifier of the folder containing the filter definition.
ClientClientIDSpecifies the account ownership and context of an object.
CorrelationIDxsdIdentifies correlation of objects across several requests.
CreatedDatexsdRead-only date and time of the object's creation.
CustomerKeyxsdUser-supplied unique identifier for an object within an object type. This property corresponds to the external key assigned to an object.
DataFilterFilterPartFilter parts for a filter definition. This property specifies the rules for the filter, although these rules can’t be specified hierarchically. You can retrieve a data filter only if it doesn’t contain a data relationship. Use Today + or Today - qualifiers only with date values.
DataSourceAPIObjectSource of data (such as a data extension or list) referred to by API as part of a filter definition
DescriptionxsdDescribes and provides information regarding the object.
IDxsdRead-only identifier for an object. Some objects use the ObjectID property as a unique ID.
ModifiedDateNullable`1Indicates the last time object information was modified.
NamexsdName of the object or property.
ObjectIDxsdSystem-controlled, read-only text string identifier for object.
ObjectStatexsdReserved for future use.
OwnerOwnerDescribes account ownership of subscriber in an on-your-behalf account.
PartnerKeyxsdUnique identifier provided by partner for an object. This property is accessible only via API.
PartnerPropertiesAPIProperty[]A collection of metadata supplied by the client and stored by the system. These properties are accessible only via API.