GET /platform/v1/key/{keyId}

Fetches metadata for a specific key. Data at Rest Encryption is a prerequisite for this feature.

keyIdstringRequiredID for the key to retrieve the metadata for.
x-request-idstringHeader parameter: Request ID for the request. Default Format: 06ef8c36-4a7a-4139-bdbd-c6715be06364.
x-mccs-user-contextstringHeader parameter: Indicates the MCCS user context. Example: EID=111;MID=111;EmployeeId=111.
x-mccs-keystore-providerstringHeader parameter: Specify a key store provider to use for an ImportKey or WrappingKey request. Examples: kms, keysecure, database. Default: keysecure.
x-mccs-macstringHeader parameter: Specify the message authentication code for the request.
200  Key metadata successfully retrieved
 keyIdstringformat: uuid
 keyVersionintegerFormat: int32.
 eidintegerformat: int64
 midintegerformat: int64
 keySizeintegerFormat: int32.
 securityHashstringformat: byte
 createdDatestringformat: date-time
 createdByintegerFormat: int32.
 modifiedDatestringformat: date-time
 modifiedByintegerFormat: int32.
 keyOwnerIdintegerFormat: int32.
400  Bad request, please see error details
404  Given Key Id is not found in metadata table (MemberKeyManagement)
500  Server error, unable to retrieve key metadata. Validate error logs in splunk

Example Request

Example Response