
NameData TypeDescription
BaseAttributeListAttributeSpecifies the base attribute of a list attribute in the person model.
ClientClientIDSpecifies the account ownership and context of an object.
CorrelationIDxsdIdentifies correlation of objects across several requests.
CreatedDatexsdRead-only date and time of the object's creation.
CustomerKeyxsdUser-supplied unique identifier for an object within an object type. This property corresponds to the external key assigned to an object.
DefaultValuexsdThe default value for a data extension field if no value is supplied (Include Now() as the default value if you wish to have a field default to today's date). Used by ExtractParameterDescription as the default value for the parameter if not suppliedwhen a data extract is executed. Used by PropertyDefinition if the default value for the attribute if not suppliedfor a data profile attribute.
DescriptionxsdDescribes and provides information regarding the object.
FieldLengthxsdDefines number of characters available within a field for a list attribute.
FieldTypeListAttributeFieldTypeDesignates data type for a data extension field.
IDxsdRead-only identifier for an object. Some objects use the ObjectID property as a unique ID.
InheritablexsdIndicates whether a list attribute can be inherited. A value of true indicates an inheritable list attribute.
IsHiddenxsdSpecifies whether a list attribute is hidden. A value of true indicates that the list attribute is hidden.
IsNullablexsdSpecifies whether a list attribute can contain a null value. A value of true indicates a list attributes can contain a null value.
IsReadOnlyxsdIndicates whether a list attribute is read-only. A value of true indicates that the list attribute is read-only.
ListListList associated with an object.
MaxValuexsdIndicates the maximum value that this property can be set to.
MinValuexsdSpecifies the minimum value that this property can be set to.
ModifiedDateNullable`1Indicates the last time object information was modified.
MustOverridexsdIndicates whether a list attribute must override all other values. A value of true indicates that this list attribute overrides other list attributes.
NamexsdName of the object or property.
ObjectIDxsdSystem-controlled, read-only text string identifier for object.
ObjectStatexsdReserved for future use.
OrdinalxsdIndicates position of object within an array
OverridablexsdIndicates a list attribute can be overridden. A value of true indicates that a list attribute can be overridden.
OverrideTypeOverrideTypeIndicates how a list attribute can be overridden. Valid values include:
  • DoNotOverride
  • Override
  • OverrideExceptWhenNull
OwnerOwnerDescribes account ownership of subscriber in an on-your-behalf account.
PartnerKeyxsdUnique identifier provided by partner for an object. This property is accessible only via API.
PartnerPropertiesAPIProperty[]A collection of metadata supplied by the client and stored by the system. These properties are accessible only via API.
RestrictedValuesListAttributeRestrictedValue[]Specifies a collection for restricted values.
ScalexsdIndicates numeric precision for decimal properties.