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The ObjectDefinition object stores metadata about an object. This object contains the results of a Describe call's ObjectDefinitionRequest.

NameData TypeDescription
ChildObjectsObjectDefinition[]Identifies child objects within a Marketing Cloud Engagement account for Microsoft Dynamics CRM installation.
ExtendedPropertiesPropertyDefinition[]Extended property information about an object as defined by a client.
IsCreatablexsdIndicates if the property can be set on a Create call. A value of true indicates it can be created. (PropertyDefinition) Indicates whether object can be created. A value of true indicates it can be created. (ObjectDefinition) Indicates whether the field can be created. A value of true indicates it can be created. (DataExtensionField)
IsObjectCollectionxsdReserved for future use.
IsPropertyCollectionxsdReserved for future use.
IsQueryablexsdIndicates whether the property can be queried.
IsReferencexsdReserved for future use.
IsRetrievablexsdIndicates if object data can be retrieved.
IsUpdatablexsdIndicates whether object can be updated.
NamexsdName of the object or property.
ObjectTypexsdSpecifies whether the object is a List, Subscriber, Email, or other type of object.
PropertiesPropertyDefinition[]Specifies an array of property definitions available for an object type. You can retrieve allowed properties using the Describe method.
ReferencedTypexsdReserved for future use.