PATCH /asset/v1/content/assets/{id}

Updates part of an asset deleted in the last 30 days.

idnumberRequiredThe ID of the asset to update
CustomerKeystringReference to customer's private ID/name for the asset
ContentTypestringThe type that the content attribute will be in
DataobjectProperty bag containing the asset data
AssetTypeobjectThe type of the asset saved as a name/ID pair
VersionnumberThe version of the asset
LockedbooleanSpecifies if the asset can be modified or not
FilePropertiesobjectStores the different properties that this asset refers to if it is a file type
NamestringName of the asset, set by the client. 200 character maximum.
DescriptionstringDescription of the asset, set by the client
CategoryobjectID of the category the asset belongs to
TagsarrayList of tags associated with the asset
ContentstringThe actual content of the asset
DesignstringFallback for display when neither content nor supercontent are provided
SuperContentstringContent that supersedes content in terms of display
CustomFieldsobjectCustom fields within an asset
ViewsobjectViews within an asset
BlocksobjectBlocks within the asset
MinBlocksnumberMinimum number of blocks within an asset
MaxBlocksnumberMaximum number of blocks within an asset
ChannelsobjectList of channels that are allowed to use this asset
AllowedBlocksarrayList of blocks that are allowed in the asset
SlotsobjectSlots within the asset
BusinessUnitAvailabilityobjectA dictionary of member IDs that have been granted access to the asset
sharingPropertiesobjectAllows you to share content with one or more business units that have Content Builder Sharing enabled. See Sharing for additional information.
sharingProperties.sharedWithobjectList of MID IDs the asset is shared with
sharingProperties.sharingTypestringIndicates the permission that you are granting to the list of MIDs in sharedWith. Possible values are view, edit, or local.
TemplateobjectTemplate the asset follows
FilestringBase64-encoded string of a file associated with an asset
GenerateFromstringTells the sending compiler what view to use for generating this view's content
200  A single asset
 CustomerKeystringReference to customer's private ID/name for the asset
 ContentTypestringThe type that the content attribute will be in
 DataobjectProperty bag containing the asset data
 AssetTypeobjectThe type of the asset saved as a name/ID pair
 VersionnumberThe version of the asset
 LockedbooleanSpecifies if the asset can be modified or not
 FilePropertiesobjectStores the different properties that this asset refers to if it is a file type
 NamestringName of the asset, set by the client. 200 character maximum.
 DescriptionstringDescription of the asset, set by the client
 CategoryobjectID of the category the asset belongs to
 TagsarrayList of tags associated with the asset
 ContentstringThe actual content of the asset
 DesignstringFallback for display when neither content nor supercontent are provided
 SuperContentstringContent that supersedes content in terms of display
 CustomFieldsobjectCustom fields within an asset
 ViewsobjectViews within an asset
 BlocksobjectBlocks within the asset
 MinBlocksnumberMinimum number of blocks within an asset
 MaxBlocksnumberMaximum number of blocks within an asset
 ChannelsobjectList of channels that are allowed to use this asset
 AllowedBlocksarrayList of blocks that are allowed in the asset
 SlotsobjectSlots within the asset
 BusinessUnitAvailabilityobjectA dictionary of member IDs that have been granted access to the asset
 sharingPropertiesobjectAllows you to share content with one or more business units that have Content Builder Sharing enabled. See Sharing for additional information.
 sharingProperties.sharedWithobjectList of MID IDs the asset is shared with
 sharingProperties.sharingTypestringIndicates the permission that you are granting to the list of MIDs in sharedWith. Possible values are view, edit, or local.
 TemplateobjectTemplate the asset follows
 FilestringBase64-encoded string of a file associated with an asset
 GenerateFromstringTells the sending compiler what view to use for generating this view's content
400  Bad request
 MessagestringThe error message
 ErrorCodenumberThe specific error code
 DocumentationstringAny specific documentation for the error
403  Permission error
 MessagestringThe error message
 ErrorCodenumberThe specific error code
 DocumentationstringAny specific documentation for the error