The PerformResult object contains the results of a Perform call.
Name | Data Type | Description |
ConversationID | xsd | Unique ID of initial async API call. All requests that are processed as a single unit have the same ConversationID. |
ErrorCode | xsd | Identifies the error of an API request via a numeric code. |
Object | APIObject | Specifies definition of object. |
OrdinalID | xsd | Defines position of object within an array of information. |
OverallStatusCode | xsd | Represents overall status of conversation via async API. |
RequestID | xsd | Unique ID of initial async API call. |
RequestType | RequestType | Defines request as synchronous or asynchronous API. |
ResultDetailXML | xsd | Contains details of operation result in XML format. |
ResultType | xsd | Defines result as coming from synchronous or asynchronous API. |
StatusCode | xsd | Status of async API request. |
StatusMessage | xsd | Describes the status of an API call. |
Task | TaskResult | Identifier of scheduled task as part of results. |