Add the #DF24 Developer Keynote to your agenda. Join us in-person on 9/18 at 2:30 p.m. PT or on Salesforce+ at 5 p.m. PT for the must-see session built just for developers.


Sends response via email or HTTP post for asynchronous call. Can send to separate URLs for different actions as necessary.

NameData TypeDescription
AlwaysRespondWhenIndicates a response is always sent.
NeverRespondWhenSpecifies that a response is never sent for an asynchronous process.
OnCallCompleteRespondWhenSpecifies that a response is sent when an asynchronous call is complete.
OnConversationCompleteRespondWhenSpecifies that a response is sent when an asynchronous conversation is complete.
OnConversationErrorRespondWhenSpecifies that a response is sent when an asynchronous conversation returns an error.
OnErrorRespondWhenSpecifies that a response is sent when an asynchronous process returns an error.