The ResultMessage object contains the results of an asynchronous call.
Name | Data Type | Description |
CallsInConversation | xsd | Number of calls within an async API conversation. |
Client | ClientID | Specifies the account ownership and context of an object. |
ConversationID | xsd | Unique ID of initial async API call. |
CorrelationID | xsd | Identifies correlation of objects across several requests. |
CreatedDate | xsd | Read-only date and time of the object's creation. |
CustomerKey | xsd | User-supplied unique identifier for an object within an object type. |
ErrorCode | xsd | Identifies the error of an API request. |
ID | xsd | Read-only legacy identifier for an object. Not supported on all objects. |
ModifiedDate | Nullable`1 | Last time object information was modified. |
ObjectID | xsd | System-controlled, read-only text string identifier for object. |
ObjectState | xsd | Reserved for future use. |
OverallStatusCode | xsd | Represents overall status of conversation via async API. |
Owner | Owner | Describes account ownership of subscriber in an on-your-behalf account. |
PartnerKey | xsd | Unique identifier provided by partner for an object. This property is accessible only via API. |
PartnerProperties | APIProperty[] | A collection of metadata supplied by the client and stored by the system. These properties are accessible only via API. |
RequestID | xsd | Unique ID of initial async API call. |
RequestType | RequestType | Defines request as synchronous or asynchronous API. |
ResultDetailXML | xsd | Contains details of operation result in XML format. |
ResultType | xsd | Defines result as coming from synchronous or asynchronous API. |
SequenceCode | xsd | Specifies the processing sequence of a multi-step conversation. |
StatusCode | xsd | Status of async API request. |
StatusMessage | xsd | Describes the status of an API call. |