SMS Status Codes

This table includes status codes returned from MobileConnect API calls for all locations. Use these codes to evaluate and troubleshoot your SMS sends.

1000QueuedToSfmcSendServiceMessage queued to the internal send service.
1500QueueFailureToSfmcSendServiceMessage failed to queue to the internal send service. Retry your send.
1501ValidationErrorStatus indicates an internal validation error. Retry your send.
2000DeliveredToAggregatorMessage delivered to aggregator. Status is updated when delivery confirmation comes from carrier or mobile device. For shared codes, this status is the final one.
2500FailedToAggregatorMessage not delivered to aggregator. Retry your send.
2501UnknownToAggregatorUnknown aggregator error.
2502FailedToAggregatorDueToInvalidDestinationAddressInvalid Destination Address.
2600ThrottledToAggregatorMessage not accepted by aggregator due to capacity issues. Salesforce exhausted the retry process.
2601SocketExceptionToAggregatorSocket connection error to aggregator. Can retry. If this status is logged, we exhausted our retries.
3000EnrouteMessage is en route to carrier. Waiting on carrier confirmation.
3001SentToCarrierMessage sent to carrier. Waiting to be accepted by carrier.
3002AcceptedByCarrierMessage accepted by carrier. Waiting for delivery confirmation.
3400UnknownUnknown error.
4000DeliveredMessage delivered to mobile device.
4500UndeliverableMessage not delivered to mobile device.
4501ExpiredMessage expired. Message exhausted the carrier retry process. Mobile device is out of carrier range.
4502DeletedMessage deleted by the carrier.
4503RejectedMessage rejected. Carrier detected a loop or assumed that message is spam. This status can indicate an administrative or financial problem between the operator and the end users.
4504FailedDueToUnknownSubscriberUnknown Subscriber.
4505FailedDueToInvalidDestinationAddressInvalid Destination Address.