
Converts a date-time value from the system time for Marketing Cloud Engagement to the local time of the account or user. The system time is Central Standard Time (CST) without adjustments for daylight saving time.

1Date-TimeRequired. A date-time string.

The date that you provide to this function can use the formats listed in this table.

ISO 8601 timestamp with milliseconds2025-08-05T12:34:56.789ZMilliseconds and time zone offset are optional.
US date and time notation8/5/2025 12:34 PMSingle-digit numbers can optionally include leading zeroes.
Long-form notation5 August 2025 or August 5, 2025
Date and time2025-08-05 12:34:56 PM
Time only14:23:56 PMReturns the current date at the specified time. Can use 12-hour or 24-hour clock.
Chinese and Japanese notation2025 年 8 月 5 日
Korean notation2025년 8월 5일

The function doesn’t support these formats:

  • Dates in which the day includes a suffix, such as August 5th, 2025 or 5th August 2025.
  • Numeral notation with the date listed first, such as 5/8/2025 to represent August 5, 2025.
  • Month names in languages other than English, such as 5 août 2025.
  • Dates that include any numerals other than western Arabic numerals, such as ٢٠٢٣/٨/٥.
  • Dates based on any calendar system other than the Gregorian calendar, such as 11 Av, 5785 or 11 Safar, 1447.

To use the function, pass it a supported date-time string. This example uses the Now() function, which returns the current date and time.

The example returns the current date as a timestamp and as a formatted string. For example, if the system time for the user is August 5, 2025 at 12:34:56 PM and the user's account is in the Central Standard Time zone, the function outputs the system date and time.