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Sets the name and value of the specified session cookie

When working with cookies, ensure the user experience complies with the protections of a user’s jurisdiction.

Compliance with privacy protections for cookies can include multiple strategies:

  • Ensuring that a cookie notice is provided, and recommending that users read the cookie notice.
  • Ensuring consistency between your cookie consent language and Salesforce’s privacy notices and policies.
  • Asking the user for consent to use of cookies, for each category of cookie (first or third-party). For example:
    • Consent to Salesforce (first-party) cookies that validate user identity are critical to use of the site. But, consent for them can't be taken to imply consent to third-party cookies.
    • Consent to Salesforce partners' (third-party) analytics cookies must be acquired and tracked separately from consent to first-party cookies.
  • Asking in a way that ensures the validity of a user’s active and explicit consent:
    • Avoid pre-set, or checked, checkboxes for compliance.
    • Don't construe that merely continuing to use the web service is consent.
  • Allowing the user to withdraw their consent at any time, and for each category of cookie, depending on the cookie's purpose and origin (1st or 3rd party cookies).
  • Periodically reminding the user that they consented to cookies, as well as what cookies they consented to.
  • Not allowing cookie respawning without again collecting validated user consent.

This list is a start, but isn't exhaustive. Place cookie consent high in your list of functionalities to implement.

SetCookie(1, 2, 3, 4)

1stringRequiredSession cookie name
2stringRequiredSession cookie value
3datetimeDate and time value indicating cookie expiration
4BooleanIndicates whether cookie works with only HTTPS connections