
A person subscribed to receive email or SMS communication. Subscriber represents a single instance of a subscriber.

NameData TypeDescription
AddressesSubscriberAddress[]Indicates addresses belonging to a subscriber.
AttributesAttribute[]Specifies attributes associated with an object.
ClientClientIDSpecifies the account ownership and context of an object.
CorrelationIDxsdIdentifies correlation of objects across several requests.
CreatedDatexsdRead-only date and time of the object's creation.
CustomerKeyxsdUser-supplied unique identifier for an object within an object type.
EmailAddressxsdContains the email address for a subscriber.
EmailTypePreferenceEmailTypeIndicates the email format.
GlobalUnsubscribeCategoryGlobalUnsubscribeCategoryIndicates how the application handles a globally unsubscribed subscriber.
IDxsdRead-only legacy identifier for an object. Not supported on all objects.
ListsSubscriberList[]Defines lists a subscriber resides on.
LocaleLocaleContains the locale information for an Account.
ModifiedDateNullable`1Last time object information was modified.
ObjectIDxsdSystem-controlled, read-only text string identifier for object.
OwnerOwnerDescribes account ownership of subscriber in an on-your-behalf account.
PartnerKeyxsdUnique identifier provided by partner for an object. This property is accessible only via API.
PartnerPropertiesAPIProperty[]A collection of metadata supplied by the client and stored by the system. These properties are accessible only via API.
PartnerTypexsdDefines partner associated with a subscriber.
PrimaryEmailAddressEmailAddressIndicates primary email address for a subscriber.
PrimarySMSAddressSMSAddressIndicates primary SMS address for a subscriber.
PrimarySMSPublicationStatusSubscriberAddressStatusIndicates the subscriber's modality status.
StatusSubscriberStatusDefines status of object.
SubscriberKeyxsdIdentification of a specific subscriber.
SubscriberTypeDefinitionSubscriberTypeDefinitionSpecifies if a subscriber resides in an integration, such as Salesforce or Microsoft Dynamics CRM.
UnsubscribedDatexsdRepresents date subscriber unsubscribed from a list.