PUT /hub/v1/nestedtags/{tagId}

Updates an existing tag. You must provide the entire tag payload because this request modifies the entire tag. To provide only the fields to modify, use the Patch Nested Tags request instead.

tagIdnumberRequiredID of the tag to update.
idnumberRequiredTagId of the tag to update.
namestringRequiredName of the tag, up to 120 characters. The only special characters allowed are period (.) and apostrophe (').
descriptionstringDescription of the tag, up to 256 characters. The only special characters allowed are period (.), apostrophe ('), comma (,), and forward slash (/). If you don’t provide a description, any existing description is erased.
parentIdnumberTagId that you want to be the parent of this tag. If you don’t provide a parentId, the parentId (if non-zero) is replaced by zero, meaning no parent tag.
tagsobjectA list of tags to create as nested tags. If you don’t provide a list of tags, any existing tags are removed.
200  Response includes the updated tag and all of its properties, including nested tags at the level specified by the depth parameter.
 idintegerTagId of the tag.
 namestringName of the tag.
 descriptionstringDescription of the tag.
 parentIdstringTagId of the parent tag. This field is null or zero if no parent tag exists.
 tagsobjectA list of the tag’s nested tags.

This example renames descriptions of all tags nested under a parent tag ID.