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PATCH /hub/v1/approvals-v2/settings

Updates the approvals settings with the values provided in the request body. Currently only the EnableEmailApprovals setting can be updated using the API.

keystringRequiredKey for the EnableEmailApprovals setting
valuestringRequiredTrue/false value for the EnableEmailApprovals setting
200  Response includes the approvals settings for current user.
 keystringKey for the EnableEmailApprovals setting
 valuestringTrue/false value for the EnableEmailApprovals setting
400_KeyRequired  Key is a required field.
 messagestringKey is a required field.
 errorcodestringError code for the exception (10002)
400_ValueRequired  Value is a required field.
 messagestringValue is a required field.
 errorcodestringError code for the exception (10002)
400_ValueBoolean  ** Value should be boolean.**
 messagestringValue should be boolean.
 errorcodestringError code for the exception (10002)