GET /asset/v1/content/categories

Returns one or more Content Builder categories that are owned by or reside in your MID. To request categories that have been shared with your MID, add a scope parameter to the call.

$filterstringFilter by ParentId using a simple operator and value. ParentId is the only allowed field. If you don't provide a $filter parameter, the query returns all the Categories in your MID.
$pagenumberPage number to return from the paged results. Start with 1 and continue until you get zero results. Typically provided along with the $pagesize parameter.
$pagesizenumberNumber of results per page to return. Typically provided along with the $page parameter.
$orderBystringDetermines which category property to use for sorting, and also determines the direction in which to sort the data. If you don't provide the $orderBy parameter, the results are sorted by category ID in ascending order.
scopestringDetermines which MIDs the query results come from. To return categories that reside in your MID, either don't add the scope parameter or call the endpoint like this: .../categories?scope=Ours. To return categories that are shared to your MID, or that you have shared with other MIDs, call the endpoint like this: .../categories?scope=Shared. To return all categories visible to your MID, call the endpoint like this: .../categories?scope=Ours,Shared.
200  A collection of categories
 IdstringSystem-assigned ID for the category.
 NamestringName of the category.
 ParentIdnumberID of the parent category.
 CategoryTypestringThe type of category, either asset or asset-shared.
 MemberIdnumberID of the member who creates the category.
 EnterpriseIdnumberID of the enterprise this business unit belongs to.
 SharingPropertiesobjectStores the MIDs of business units this category is shared with and the sharing type. Only included in the response if CategoryType is asset-shared.
 MetaobjectMeta is used much like the data attribute on CMS assets but for internal functionality in Content Builder. If meta is returned, be sure to pass it through the API.
403  Unauthorized
 MessagestringInsufficient privileges
500  Internal server error
 MessagestringNo message

Example Request

Example Response

The sort syntax is the category property name followed by the order direction, either asc or desc, with a space in between. The following example sorts by name in descending order: /asset/v1/content/categories?$orderBy=name asc.

Each filter is separated by &. The following example filters all categories whose parent id is similar to the value 3916: /asset/v1/content/categories?$filter=parentId eq 3916

eqEquals. Compares numbers and strings.
neqIs not equal to. Compares numbers and strings.
ltIs less than. Compares numbers only.
lteIs less than or equal to. Compares numbers only.
gtIs greater than. Compares numbers only.
gteIs greater than or equal to. Compares numbers only.
likeIs similar to. Compares strings only.