GET /data/v1/audit/auditEvents

Retrieve logged Audit Trail audit events for the current account and its child accounts. Logins are audited at the enterprise level.

Timestamps for Audit Trail data use the US Central Standard Time (GMT-6, CST) timezone.

To retrieve Audit Trail data, you must have the Data | Tracking Event | Read permission scope.

$orderBystringThe field and sort method to use to sort the results. You can sort based on the value of createdDate in ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC) order. The default value is createdDate DESC.
$pagenumberThe page number of results to retrieve. The default value is 1.
$pagesizenumberThe number of items to return on a page of results. The default value is 50.
enddatestringEnd date of the date range to search for security events. Specify the value as an ISO 8601 timestamp. The value of enddate must occur after the value of startdate. The default value is today's date.
startdatestringStart date of the date range to search for security events. Specify the value as an ISO 8601 timestamp. The value of startdate must occur before the value of enddate. The default value is 30 days before today's date.
200  OK
 idnumberID of the audit event.
 createdDatedatetimeCreation date of the audit event.
 memberIdnumberMember ID associated with the audit event.
 enterpriseIdnumberEnterprise ID or parent to which the member belongs.
 employeeobjectUser associated with the audit event.
 objectTypeobjectType of object used to describe the audit event.
 operationobjectAction taken against the objectType.
 objectobjectAdditional information about the audited object. Can contain an ID, the name of the object, or both.
 transactionIdguidUnique value to identify the transaction in which the audit event was captured.
400  Bad request.
 MessagestringError message.
 ErrorCodenumberError code for the exception.
 DocumentationstringDocumentation for the error.
401  Invalid access token or tenant-specific endpoint.
 MessagestringError message.
 ErrorCodenumberError code for the exception.
 DocumentationstringDocumentation for the error.