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GET /ott/v1/send/{messageId}

Retrieves all the information about an existing OTT send message request.

messageIdstringRequiredId of the send request to be retrieved. Id can be user-defined MessageKey or ottRequestId returned as a response to send message request.
200  success
 requestBodyobjectReturns the request body.
 statusarrayStatus of the message send request.
 status.eventstringIndicates the type of event with values: Created, Queued, Sent, Error (if any).
 status.eventDateTimedatetimeTimestamp indicating when the event occured.
403  Forbidden
 messagestringError message.
 errorcodenumberError code.
 documentationstringDocumentation for the error code.
404  Not Found
 messagestringError message.
 errorcodenumberError code.
 documentationstringDocumentation for the error code.