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POST /contacts/v1/addresses/search/{attributeName}

Fetches all contacts and associated addresses based on search criteria

attributeNamestringRequiredThe attribute used in the search criteria: ContactKeyLastModfiedDateSourceChannelStatusAudienceID
filterConditionOperatorstringRequiredFilter condition operator name. Currently supports only the "Is" operator
filterConditionValuestringRequiredValue for attribute used in search criteria for contacts and associated addresses. When using the "LastModfiedDate" attributeName, separate the values for start and end date in the filterconditionValue with an "AND" The "Channel" attributeName supports these values: MOBILE PUSH LINE EMAIL
200  Successfully retrieved contacts and associated addresses
 pageNumberintegerPage number of results retrieved
 pageSizeintegerPage size of results retrieved
 addressesarrayArray of all address objects retrieved
 addresses.contactIDobjectType-value object specifying ContactID tied to given address
 addresses.contactKeyobjectType-value object specifying ContactKey tied to given address
 addresses.addressTypeIDintegerType of the retrieved address: EMAIL: 1 MOBILE: 4 PUSH: 9 LINE: 10
 addresses.addressIDobjectType-value object specifying the AddressID for retrieved address
 addresses.addressKeyobjectType-value object specifying the AddressKey for retrieved address
 addresses.statusintegerStatus value of retrieved address
 addresses.ordinalintegerOrdinal value of retrieved address
 addresses.sourceintegerSource value of retrieved address
 addresses.modifiedDatestringLast modified date value of retrieved address
 addresses.valueSetsarrayObject array containing value set information of pertinent attributes retrieved for address
 addresses.valueSets.definitionIDguidDefault ID assigned to represent the Set Definition of value Set information for retrieved address
 addresses.valueSets.definitionKeystringDefault key assigned to represent the Set Definition of value Set information for retrieved address
 addresses.valueSets.definitionNamestringDefault name assigned to represent the Set Definition of value Set information for retrieved address
 addresses.valueSets.valuesarrayObject array containing property definition and actual value information of attributes retrieved for address
 addresses.valueSets.values.definitionIDguidThe value definition ID of a retrieved attribute for retrieved address
 addresses.valueSets.values.definitionKeystringThe value definition key of a retrieved attribute for retrieved address
 addresses.valueSets.values.definitionNamestringThe value definition name of a retrieved attribute for retrieved address
 addresses.valueSets.values.valueIDguidAn auto-generated guid representing a retrieved attribute value for the retrieved address
 addresses.valueSets.values.innerValuestringActual value of a retrieved attribute for the retrieved address
 requestServiceMessageIDguidService message ID value of the request
 resultMessagesarrayArray of returned messages generated while processing the request
 serviceMessageIDguidService message ID value of the response
default  Unexpected error
 pageNumberintegerPage number of results retrieved
 pageSizeintegerPage size of results retrieved
 hasErrorsbooleanIndicates errors occured while processing the request
 requestServiceMessageIDguidService message ID value of request
 resultMessagesarrayArray of returned error messages generated while processing request
 serviceMessageIDguidService message ID value of response