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POST /contacts/v1/contacts/actions/restrict?type=ids

Restricts processing for contacts identified by ContactID values in the request. This operation runs asynchronously. Use the OperationID value returned to check the status of the delete.

ValuesarrayRequiredArray of contact IDs to restrict.
200  Restrict request response
 operationInitiatedbooleanSystem-initiated restrict operation.
 operationIDintegerAuto-generated restrict operation ID. Keep track of this ID because it allows you to check the status of a restriction and decide how to proceed if there is a failure.
 requestServiceMessageIDguidService message ID for the request.
 responseDateTimeintegerThe datetime restrict response is created in the system in GMT time.
 hasErrorsbooleanThe requested operation is initiated with an error or not.
 resultMessagesarrayArray of messages about the restrict operation.
 serviceMessageIDguidService message ID for the response.
400  Bad restrict request response
 operationInitiatedbooleanSystem-initiated restrict operation.
 operationIDintegerAuto-generated restrict operation ID. Keep track of this ID because it allows you to check the status of a restriction and decide how to proceed if there is a failure.
 requestServiceMessageIDguidService message ID for the request.
 responseDateTimeintegerThe datetime restrict response is created in the system in GMT time.
 hasErrorsbooleanThe requested operation is initiated with error or not. For a 400 response this is true.
 resultMessagesarrayArray of messages about the restrict operation, with details about the bad request, like resulttype and resultcode.
 serviceMessageIDguidService message ID for the response.