200 | | | Contact model relationship detail for a custom object field |
| customobjectFieldId | guid | Requested CustomObjectFieldID |
| requestServiceMessageID | guid | Service message ID value of the request |
| resultMessages | array | Array of returned messages generated while processing the request |
| serviceMessageID | guid | Service message ID value of the response |
| customObjectFieldRelationships | array | Array of relationship detail for the requested CustomObjectField |
| customObjectFieldRelationships.attributeInfo | object | Contact attribute and parent attribute set info of the requested CustomObjectField |
| customObjectFieldRelationships.attributeInfo.parentAttributeSet | object | AttributeSet info of the requested CustomObjectField |
| customObjectFieldRelationships.attributeInfo.parentAttributeSet.definitionID | guid | Definition ID value of the attribute set that the requested CustomObjectField belongs to |
| customObjectFieldRelationships.attributeInfo.parentAttributeSet.definitionName | guid | Definition Name value of the attribute set that the requested CustomObjectField belongs to |
| customObjectFieldRelationships.attributeInfo.parentAttributeSet.definitionKey | guid | Customer key value of the attribute set that the requested CustomObjectField belongs to |
| customObjectFieldRelationships.attributeInfo.AttributeDefinitionEntity | object | Attribute Info of the requested CustomObjectField |
| customObjectFieldRelationships.attributeInfo.AttributeDefinitionEntity.definitionID | guid | Definition ID value of the attribute of the requested CustomObjectField |
| customObjectFieldRelationships.attributeInfo.AttributeDefinitionEntity.definitionName | guid | Definition Name value of the attribute of the requested CustomObjectField |
| customObjectFieldRelationships.attributeInfo.AttributeDefinitionEntity.definitionKey | guid | Customer key value defined of the attribute of the requested CustomObjectField |
| customObjectFieldRelationships.attributegroups | array | Array of AttributeGroups the requested CustomObjectField is associated with |
| customObjectFieldRelationships.attributegroups.definitionID | guid | Definition ID value of the attribute group that the requested CustomObjectField belongs to |
| customObjectFieldRelationships.attributegroups.definitionName | guid | Definition Name value of the attribute group that the requested CustomObjectField belongs to |
| customObjectFieldRelationships.attributegroups.definitionKey | guid | Customer Key value defined for the attribute group that the requested CustomObjectField belongs to |
| | | |
400 | | | CustomObjectFieldID is a required field |
| message | string | The request must contain a valid CustomObjectFieldID |