PATCH /contacts/v1/contacts

Updates a contact record.

contactKeyStringThe primary address for the contact. You must provide a value for either contactKey or contactID.
contactIDStringThe unique ID of the contact. You must provide a value for either contactKey or contactID.
attributeSetsArrayRequired. An array that contains the data to add to the contact record.
attributeSets.nameStringRequired. The name of the attribute group to add the contact information to.
attributeSets.valuesArrayAn array of name and value pairs that indicate the attribute and applicable value.

To update a contact record, issue a PATCH request to the /contacts/v1/contacts endpoint. The body of the request must contain either the contactKey or the contactId property. The attributeSets array contains the data to add to the contact record.

After a successful request, the API returns a confirmation of the changes that were made.