POST /interaction/v1/interactions/journeyhistory/download

Downloads journey history to a file. You can specify which fields are returned. The maximum file size is 1 GB, but you can use file compression to fit more data into a smaller file. To retrieve an estimate of the file size and row count, use the journey history download estimate request operation before you request the data.

Journey history data is retained for 30 days. Journey history downloads are limited to 1 GB and can’t be resumed. To save time and avoid repeating effort, we recommend that you request an estimate before you submit a journey history download request.

Before the Winter ’25 release, journey history downloads included rows where the activity name was empty and the status was Complete. These rows are no longer included. This change improves performance and prevents the success rate metrics from becoming artificially inflated.

NameTypeDescriptionAccepted Values
formatStringThe format to use for the output file. The default value is csv.
  • csv
  • tsv
columnsStringComma-separated list of columns to download. The default value is TransactionTime, ContactKey, Status, DefinitionId, DefinitionName, ActivityId, ActivityName, ActivityType.
  • ActivityId
  • ActivityName
  • ActivityType
  • ClientStatus
  • ContactKey
  • CreatedDate
  • DefinitionId
  • DefinitionInstanceId
  • DefinitionName
  • EndDate
  • EntrySource
  • EpochTimeInMilliseconds
  • EventId
  • EventName
  • Id
  • Message
  • OutcomeActivityId
  • SourceType
  • StartDate
  • Status
  • TransactionTime
  • Result.Messages
  • Result.Outcome
  • Result.Status
  • Result.Tags

The request body can contain any of the values in this table.

NameTypeDescriptionPossible Values
startStringThe start date and time for the query, in ISO 8601 format.
endStringThe end date and time for the query, in ISO 8601 format.
contactKeysArrayA comma-separated list of contact keys to retrieve events for.
activityTypesArrayA list of activity types to retrieve events for.
  • abntest
  • abnteststop
  • activeaudiencejourneyactivity
  • einsteinengagementfrequencysplit
  • emailv2
  • engagementdecision
  • exitcriteriaactivity
  • goalcriteriaactivity
  • inappsyncactivity
  • multicriteriadecision
  • multicriteriadecisionextension
  • pushinboxactivity
  • pushnotificationactivity
  • pushsync
  • randomsplit
  • rest
  • restdecision
  • salescloudactivity
  • salesforceleadconversionactivity
  • sendtolinesync
  • smssync
  • startinteractionactivity
  • stopinteractionactivity
  • stowait
  • trigger
  • updatecontactdata
  • wait
  • waitactivity
  • waituntilapi
  • waituntilchatresponse
  • waituntilpushengagement
  • whatsappactivity
definitionIdsArrayA list of journey IDs to retrieve events for.
statusesArrayA list of statuses to retrieve events for.
  • Active
  • Complete
  • ContactAlreadyInInteraction
  • ContactExitedAsOutOfMarketAudienceSegment
  • ContactExitedByApi
  • ContactIsDeleted
  • ContactIsRestricted
  • ContactKeyNotProvided
  • ContactNotFound
  • ContactObjectNull
  • ContactPreviouslyInSameInteraction
  • ContactStatusIsUnknown
  • CouldNotParseInteractionId
  • CurrentlyWaitingInSameInteraction
  • Deactivated
  • DidNotMeetEntryCriteria
  • ErrorDeterminingInitialActivity
  • ErrorOccurredinProcessing
  • ErrorProcessingWaitActivity
  • ErrorValidatingContact
  • ExitCriteriaMet
  • Failed
  • GoalCriteriaAlreadyMet
  • GoalCriteriaMet
  • GoalCriteriaMetInWait
  • GoalCriteriaNotMet
  • GoalNotDefined
  • InteractionNotPublished
  • InvalidInteractionId
  • MetCriteria
  • MovedToHigherPriorityInteraction
  • NotEvaluatingEntryCriteria
  • StoppedByUser
  • UnableToDeserializeMessage
  • Unknown
  • WaitActivtyAlreadyProcessed
  • Waiting
  • WaitingForAsync
  • WaitUntilEventCriteriaMet
  • WaitUntilEventCriteriaNotMet
definitionInstanceIdsArrayA list of definition instance IDs to retrieve events for.
activityIdsArrayA list of activity IDs to retrieve events for.
NameTypeDescriptionPossible values
x-direct-pipeBooleanRequired. To download journey history data, your request must include this header with a value of true.
accept-encodingStringTo compress the requested data, include this header. The value of the header determines the method that’s used to compress the resulting data. Using gzip compression typically results in a smaller file size.
  • gzip
  • deflate
You can also specify both methods. List multiple values in order of preference and separate them with a comma. For example, gzip,deflate.

To tailor the resulting file to your needs, include filters and query values in your request. You can also compress the resulting file to improve performance and minimize file sizes.

This example downloads all the contacts that failed to enter the journey from 06:00 to 21:00 UTC.

The response includes the fields that you specified in the columns parameter in the query path.

You can specify the contacts that are downloaded by changing the value of the status parameter. This request downloads a list of contacts that didn’t meet the entry criteria in the specified journey. The list is filtered to only include values in the ContactKey column.

The response includes the values in the ContactKey column for the records that didn’t meet the entry criteria.

This example downloads the list of contacts successfully injected into the given journey.

The response includes the values in the ContactKey column for the records that completed the trigger activity.

To download compressed files, use a data transfer client such as cURL or Wget. This example uses cURL to download journey history data in a gzip file.

The command returns a .gz file.

You can reduce file sizes by including the accept-encoding: gzip, deflate header in your request. If you include this header, the resulting output is smaller and therefore takes less time to download.

To further optimize your download requests, limit their scope. Use these tips to limit the scope of your download requests.

  • If you only want to download information about a single journey, include the definitionId for that journey in the request.
  • If you only want to download information about a single journey activity, include the activityId for the activity in the request.
  • Use the columns query parameter to download only the columns that you need. This step reduces the download file size and the time required to complete the request.
  • If your request contains filters that limit certain fields to a single value, it isn’t necessary to specify that column in the result. For example, if the response only includes failed events—that is, the request body includes "statuses": ["failed"]—use the columns query parameter to omit the status column from the result.
  • Download data from a small period, such as 1 hour, by using the start and end parameters in the request body. This step results in better performance. If a download fails, requesting smaller units of data can save time and effort, because you can’t resume a failed download.