GET /interaction/v1/interactions
Retrieve a list of journeys.
To use this endpoint to search for journeys, you must have the Automation | Journeys | Read
This table lists the URL parameters that you can specify to filter or enhance the search results.
Name | Type | Description |
$orderBy | String | The field and sort method to use to sort the results. You can sort on these fields:
ASC ) or descending (DESC ) order. The default value is modifiedDate DESC . |
$page | Number | The page number of results to retrieve. The default value is 1 . |
$pageSize | Number | The number of items to return on a page of results. The default and maximum value is 50 . |
definitionType | String | The type of definition to retrieve. The only accepted value is transactional , which retrieves all transactional send definitions. |
extras | String | Additional information to include in the response. Possible values are:
all value for this parameter, the response includes a large amount of data. The volume of this data has a negative impact on the performance of this query. |
key | String | The external key of a journey to retrieve. |
id | String | The ID of a journey to retrieve. When you specify an ID, the API returns all versions of that journey. |
mostRecentVersionOnly | Boolean | Use this parameter to specify whether to return the most recent version of each journey that matches the filter criteria. The default value is true . |
nameOrDescription | String | A search string to apply to the request. The API searches the name and description of each journey for this string, and returns all matching journeys. |
specificApiVersionNumber | Number | The version number of the workflowApiVersion value to retrieve. The default value is 1 . |
status | String | A journey status value to use to filter the results. Possible values are:
ScheduledToSend , Sent , and Stopped statuses exist only in single-send journeys.If you don't specify a status value, the API returns all journeys regardless of their statuses. |
tag | String | A tag to use to filter the results. When you specify this parameter, the API returns only journeys with the specified tag. |
versionNumber | Number | The version number of the journey to retrieve. The default value is the currently published version or the latest version number that meets the other search criteria. |
This sample request retrieves all journeys. The request uses the extras
parameter to retrieve the activities for each journey.
A successful request returns a 200 OK
response that contains data about the journeys that match the search criteria.