GET /interaction/v1/interactions

Retrieve a list of journeys. You can apply filters to the request to limit the scope of the results.

To use this endpoint to search for journeys, you must have the Automation | Journeys | Read scope.

$orderBystringThe field and sort method to use to sort the results. You can sort on these fields:
  • ModifiedDate
  • Name
  • Performance
You can sort these fields in ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC) order. The default value is modifiedDate DESC.
$pagenumberThe page number of results to retrieve. The default value is 1.
$pageSizenumberThe number of items to return on a page of results. The default and maximum value is 50.
definitionTypestringThe type of definition to retrieve. The only accepted value is transactional, which retrieves all transactional send definitions.
extrasstringA list of additional information to include in the response. Possible values are:
  • all
  • activities
  • outcome
  • stats
The default value is all. For best performance, we recommend that you use this parameter to limit the scope of the response.
mostRecentVersionOnlybooleanUse this parameter to specify whether to return the most recent version of each journey that matches the filter criteria. The default value is true.
nameOrDescriptionstringA search string to apply to the request. The API searches the name and description of each journey for this string, and returns all matching journeys.
specificApiVersionNumbernumberThe version number of the workflowApiVersion value to retrieve. The default value is 1.
statusstringA journey status value to use to filter the results. Possible values:
  • Deleted
  • Draft
  • Published
  • ScheduledToPublish
  • Stopped
  • Unpublished
The ScheduledToSend, Sent, and Stopped values are found only in single-send journeys. If you don't specify a status value, the API returns all statuses.
tagstringA tag to use to filter the results. When you specify this parameter, the API returns only journeys with the specified tag.
versionNumbernumberThe version number of the journey to retrieve. The default value is the currently published version or the latest version number that meets the other search criteria.
keystringThe external key of a journey to retrieve.
idstringThe ID of a journey to retrieve. When you specify an ID, the API returns all versions of that journey.

This sample request retrieves all journeys. The request uses the extras parameter to retrieve the activities for each journey.